Bluegrass Sports Nation

KHSAA Continued Guidelines through August 2nd

July 19, 2020

From the Commissioner: I realize that many of you were viewing the Board of Control work session on Friday morning as well as the full Board of Control meeting Friday afternoon, and between those webcasts and the news media coverage, most of what I will tell you on behalf of the Board of Control and staff is not news. But to be sure everyone is on the same page, this will officially inform you of the action of the Board of Control and its subsequent implementation. You will receive a second email early this week specific to the waiver of specific bylaws by the Board of Control, however, the allowances beginning tomorrow are of likely higher priority, and is the primary subject of this communication. The primary goal of the Association is the safety of all participants, coaches, and administrators involved while also attempting to ensure that no athletic activity and subsequent virus complications delay the planned start of school for this fall. As of now in the high touch sports, as defined in the Governor’s Youth Sports Order, we remain in Stage 1 of the four key stages of the fundamental four “P”‘s to resuming interscholastic sports and sport-activities, Preparation, Preseason, Participation and Postseason. Special Notation for Golf:

  • The golf season may begin on schedule with practices being mandatory for participants (such as tryouts if such is declared by the school) beginning on July 15 as well as the implementation of the current year catastrophic insurance provisions for participants. It continues to be recommended that schools be especially sensitive to students and families who may not want to participate due to the status of the virus.
  • Unless otherwise altered due to current events, the regular season for Golf will be able to begin per Bylaw 23. 
  • There are restrictions in golf in that all competition held in conjunction with Covid-19 guidelines and guidance from the Kentucky Golf House, Kentucky Junior Golf, Allied Golf Associations, Golf Course Superintendents of America. That guidance is located at the following links:
  • All golf schools should note the restrictions on spectators contained in the currently approved document for events.
  • Specifically to the flagstick, the current rules state that it cannot be removed. This will be emphasized in the Rules Clinic for golf coaches as well. The following is to be applied and is on the local Rules of Play sheet provide to every player by the Golf House of Kentucky and addresses a penalty for removal of the flagstick.
    • During the play of a hole, a player must not remove the flagstick from the hole. 
      • Penalty for a first violation: 1 stroke
      • Penalty for second violation: General penalty
      • Penalty for third violation: Disqualification 
    • In the situation where the flagstick has been removed from the hole when it is lifted by a player or any other person at the request of the player by any method resulting in the bottom of the flagstick no longer being in contact with the socket of the hole liner, a player may reposition the flagstick without removing it from the hole by touching it with a towel or club.
  • If guidance is updated by the Kentucky Golf House, Kentucky Junior Golf, Allied Golf Associations, Golf Course Superintendents of America, and approved through the Department of Health and other relevant agencies and departments, member schools will be notified.
  • Strong consideration should be given to further limitations of the list of invited schools to events to minimize risk and exposure.

All other Sports and Sport-Activities (Competitive Cheer (or any variation of Cheer), Cross Country, Dance, Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball)

  • Segment 3, originally designed to end on July 12, is extended until August 2 with allowances remaining the same with a few emphasis points as noted below.
    • Other than golf, the starting practice date for any organized or required (and subsequently covered by the catastrophic insurance policy) is delayed until at least August 3rd.
    • No activity that normally occurs officially July 15 may be mandatory for team participants during this period in any sport or sport-activity, including Competitive Cheer (or any variation of Cheer), Cross Country, Dance, Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball.
    • In-person tryouts are NOT permitted in Competitive Cheer (or any variation of Cheer), Cross Country, Dance, Field Hockey, Football, Soccer or Volleyball during Segment 3. Virtual tryouts are no longer allowed in Competitive Cheer (or any variation of Cheer) or Dance during Segment 3.
    • In all sports except for golf, the allowances in Segment 3 (which was originally July 29 to July 12), will continue until Sunday, August 2
    • There is a STRONG RECOMMENDATION that each athlete be limited to a total of six hours per week.
    • Athletes participating in multiple fall sports should have coaches and athletic personnel collaborate on the distribution of time within the six hours a week.
    • Athletes participating in a fall school sport and another winter or spring school sport should have participation in fall sports prioritized, in some cases at the expense of participation in a winter or spring sports. While there is minimal if any local jurisdiction over non-school sports, parents, and athletes should be advised of the need to reduce the exposure time by fall sports participants during the remainder of this segment.
    • Local consideration should also be given to whether or not non-fall sports and sport-activities should be permitted additional activity at this time to allow for and promote a controlled return to fall sports, particularly in light of recent data from the Department of Health. 

Basketball Notes

  • The portions of Bylaw 24, which preclude any organized team activity in July, remains in place. That does NOT prohibit skills development sessions and other activities held in strict compliance with current youth sports directives and KHSAA segment 3 restrictions. It is noted that school boards and districts should strongly consider the wisdom of basketball activity (a winter sport) at this point given the public health concerns.

Next steps

  • These clarifications and allowances are to be continually reviewed for revisions based on health data.
  • KHSAA staff has been directed to finalize the development of guidance for formal practice and contests in consultation with the Governor’s Office, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Education to allow for the regular season to begin.
  • That guidance, including alternative policy considerations, alternatives and timelines are to be considered by the Board for adoption in the period late July or early August to effect August 3rd and beyond.

We will continue to provide you with data and documentation as it becomes available.

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